Chile Missions Trip – June 26 2025

If Jesus tarries, I am going to 

Chile – June 26-July 6, 2025

I am going with Global Ventures!

It costs $3,450 to go!

After landing in Peru, we will travel to Chile and then split into small teams for training and ministry. You’ll visit schools, villages, bustling markets, and streets to share the Gospel using drama and interactive visual aids. 

In the evenings, we will participate in city-wide family festivals organized by Global Ventures. We will then engage in hands-on service projects providing essentials like water filters, food, and hygiene packages. This is our chance to make a real impact! 

So I am excited about this opportunity because I took Spanish for seven years in school and I can speak Spanish fairly well, – enough to have a conversation and share my faith in Jesus Christ

Chile Trip Overview   Languages: Spanish

Population: 20 million

Language: Spanish

Religion: Catholic

Evangelical Christian: 23%

Dry & Cool Season
Avg. 65°H / 58° L

We will break into small teams during ministry and share the Gospel in schools, villages, markets, and streets. In the evening we will host city-wide family festivals (crusades) in public spaces. We will also be helping to enrich communities through service projects. We will venture into two regions to bring the Gospel to these precious people. Team members will have connecting flights to a U.S. city and fly together with the Global Ventures staff to Chile.

          Years ago, I loved to go on Mission Trips.  When I worked at the Abundant Life Prayer Group at Oral Roberts Ministries, at the Abundant Life Prayer Group, after praying 40 hours a week (which was a lot of spiritual work!) I had no desire to go anywhere.  But now I work for Liberty University from home in Rolla, MO as a New Enrollment Specialist and go to church here in Waynesville, MO at The River (pastored by Howie & Melanie Malone –

     My book:  “I Want to Witness, But What Do I Say?”  is a wonderful took for witnessing. I have also given out hundreds of tracts that I created at Fort Leonard Wood Army base on various holidays  (Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas, Valentine’s St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day & 4th of July, and  Labor Day).  A dozen soldiers have given their hearts to the Lord this year and prayed a Salvation Prayer after me there!  I give Him all the glory!

    In the past, I have gone on  these  7 Short-Term ( a week to 10 days)  MISSIONS TRIPS:

1.  Nicaragua  –  went  with (evangelical) Calvary Church in Charlotte, NC  in August 1992

2.  Sierra Leone, W. Africa –  with Rev. Russ Tatro – Living Word Missions in March 1994

3.  Sierra Leone & Liberia, W. Africa – Living Word/Mike Francen Ministries in November  1995

4.  Guatemala – with Victory World Missions Training Center class –  in  July 1996

5.  Nigril, Jamaica – taught in a Bible School there founded by Dr. Clive Wilson in  November 2002

6.  Lahore, Pakistan – taught “Fruits of the Spirit” in the 1st Victory Bible Institute   in October 2003

7. Paraguay with Global Ventures in June 2024.  Our whole group was able to get over 17, 400  saved!

So I have a lot of experience on the Mission Field.  In 1996, I even went to Victory World Mission Training Center to get trained to become a missionary.  It was a long time ago, but I still have such a desire to go to the nations!


+ Domestic and International Airfare

+ Lodging and Meals

+ Visas & Travel Insurance

+ Service Projects

IMPORTANT DEADLINES in raising the $3,450

$300 Deposit Due: Nov. 1st

65% of Trip Cost Due: Jan. 31st  – $2,242.50

All Forms Are Due: Jan. 31st

100% of Trip Cost Due: April 1st

Here is a link you can go to TO  GIVE:

Be sure to put my name  in the memo line: 

Susan Nazarewicz